5617 Hollywood Boulevard
Hollywood California
July 23, 1924
Mr. E. R. Burroughs,
Ventura Boulevard,
Owensmouth, California.
My dear Mr. Burroughs:
I am going to try to make my letter, as Shelley expressed it, The
Language of the Soul, by which I think he meant, Truth, frankness. So Please
Mr. Burroughs,, do not throw it away till you have read and judged it.
I promise not only to be frank and truthful but as brief as eve I can.
I am making an earnest effort to build here in California a Little
Grey Home which is to be all my very own. It is a day-dream, I know, but
if it can only come true I think I shall be the happiest girl in the world.
This is the story:
Men's finest grade, full-fashioned, latest style French silk hose,
in dainty designs of triple bar checks, assorted black and silver, log
cabin and golden brown, royal blue and old gold - $10 the box of six pairs.
I am trying with all my heart to persuade just one thousand of the biggest
men whose names I could get that it might add a mite to your pleasure --
and to my joy immeasurably -- for you to give me, just this one, the preference
over your haberdasher. I am sure the price is no more than he would charge,
for I purchase them wholesale too, but the profit is enough that with the
thousand orders my dream-house lifts its beams toward the stars. and the
hose, trust to a girl's taste for once, Mr. Burroughs, they are truly,
truly beautiful. If they do not please you splendidly, have your secretary
tell me and I will send the money back by the first post, so please write
me the size of your foot.
I want to tell you of one other thing, Mr. Burroughs: I began writing
my letters the middle of May, after investing what I could save from my
salary in over a year, in stationery and as a deposit on my first order
of hose, and right away came answers indicating that the writers wondered
if the idea was mine and if I would be the one to profit from their orders.
I have secured permission to refer to Mr. W. E. Carnahan, Manager of the
Citizens State Bank of Palms, (the suburb where I live), who has known
me for several years, and who says he will be glad to tell anyone who inquires,
that I am a girl of good character and sincerity of purpose. I earnestly
hope that all those to whom I write may know that I have written truly.
Thank you for reading my letter. I write each one with a little
prayer that it may win for my vision and my plan the approval of the busy
man I am writing to. If it should suit your pleasure to send me the one
order I ask for, I'm sure you will not be sorry over the gladness you have
given, and I'll be so happy and so grateful to you always.
Sincerely and respectfully yours,
[sig] Anne Smith